
Here We Goat Again!

It’s been a crazy month of packing, moving, driving, unpacking, a slew of bugs and learning the lay of new lands and states. There is much to be said about all that but you’ll probably never read it. Somehow, in the midst of the crazy, we made one last visit to the farm in Maryland we’ve taken Little A to every year

Kid still likes goats. This year he also liked chasing the chickens, blatantly ignoring the DON’T CHASE THE CHICKENS sign, that rebel. He finally sat still long enough to not be a blur or an immobile lump in the pumpkin patch. He also rode a horse that was supposed to be a pony but was pretty much a horse.

I also learned that my camera is cursed at this particular latitude and longitude. The past two visits, my camera would shut down and I would have to take the battery out in order for it to work again. I thought it was something with the sensors and the sun or some shiut, because it was always super bright and I was usually trying to get glare, but this year was overcast and it STILL happened. It’s never happened anywhere else. Ever. So cool story, bro. Continue reading


Portraits in Portland

I convinced my cousin to hire my best friend to shoot her wedding. AND SHE BOUGHT IT. So I got some extra family portraits as commission.

If you recall, Melissa McClure Photography also did my maternity photos. And another random photo shoot in Philly like two weeks ago. But that’s another post. Unless you want a preview, then check out my facebook cover. AND THAT ISN’T A TRICK TO GET YOU TO GO TO MY FACEBOOK PAGE, I SWEAR.

Not completely, anyway.

There are some perks to having pro photog friends, I’ve gotta say. I need to find one locally. I don’t have many relatives left that are getting married.

The wedding was in Portland in August when Little A was seven weeks old. It’s CRAZY how much he’s changed. I usually feel like he looks the same as the day we brought him home, just a wee bit heavier and then I see pictures and it’s all HOLY SHIT WHO IS THAT IS THAT HIM OMG HE IS GROWING UP TOO FAST MAKE IT STOP.

That last picture was Big A’s idea and while you can’t see it, there is a hand holding him up because he is clearly not of age to sit be sittin’ on a bench by himself. I think he looks like Kermit the Frog. And that’s funny.